Friday, May 6, 2011

Favorite Blogs

This was one of my favorite Blog posts because I wrote about a certain chapter in Tim O’Brien’s book that really got to me. It was of him trying to decide whether to go to war, or to run away. It just got to me, because I was a kid who chose the military right out of high school, and I could relate to what he was going through.

This was one of my favorite Blog posts because it opened my eyes to the realities of a modern war with a modern generation. I was horrified in sense to how they treated each other, and how little respect there was for human life, but it was still a very interesting play to read.

I really enjoyed The Handmaids Tale. This was one of my favorite assignments, because I got the chance to write about this totalitarian government and what confused me about it. It also kind of outlined the main idea for my big paper we wrote, so this assignment was just very helpful. 

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